Is an amazing book of short stories by Harvey Swados which brings us to fiction which leads right into... Tis the season: I am applying to grad school for the last and final year. This will mark the the third year I apply, the second year I apply seriously and the first year I apply not in life crises and completely sober. I was sobes last year but things were still mad hectic. So...... im gonna give it another whackaroo. If it doesn't work, fuck it! Chris and Charlie already approved my book proposal and it will be coming out this time next year, of course updates as the blessed event approaches. Basically it will be a collection of essays and criticism on such things as music, popular culture, modern gender politics and whatever else suits my interests. Thanks Charlie! Thanks Chris! Literally, words cannot describe my excitement!(more on this later, i'm not trying to seem nonchalant but im big on jinx's)
Not to break any big surprise bubbles, but LA Record has some things up its sleeve for this upcoming year, I cant speak beyond my own project but lets just say were coming to a fire hydrant near you, and were coming to you glossy.... No more! My lips are sealed!
There is a wonderful dog named Seca staying with us till this friday, I've been taking her on long walks and its incredibly theraputic, unfortunately Leon is not as psyched. Girl Talk also came and crashed at our house with his whole crew and Frank, plus mountains of merch (600 t shirts!) so its been kind of a full house.
So last night I went to go see the Lewis and Clarke band play at some shiteous bar in Manhattan that had like drink minimums to get INTO the fucking bar, I was like I'll get a pellegrino, it was FIVE DOLLARS! i hate Manhattan! uggh, i put a hex on you!in any event it turned out okay because lou played an AMAZING show and it was worth the pellegrino. and since it cost so much I stuffed it in my purse and found it there this morning on my walk to work, it was a refreshing morning treat. You can read more about it in tomorrows Live From New York.
The other pics r Capri and I being weirdos in the Bubby's basement photobooth, Sarah and Dave hangin outside waiting for Lou to get through the Holland tunnel and to the awful club.
Oh city city city kitty kitty kitty, i hate u so.