Monday, July 14, 2008

Fall At my Door- There's More Beauty in You Than Anyone

No really!
I live in LA! In a tiny house!

Bless you, bless music, bless this beautiful woman.

I got a job as the research assistant on Jessica's new book, Jessica also happens to be pretty much the best music critic around.

Women in rock, here I come.

It's a new day it's a new dawn. Really, I'm full of love, my heart is full.

The only thing I can handle right now is Joan Armatrading:

My head is all sensitive, like your'e head, after your brains have been fucked out. Joan fucks my brains. But not my metaphorical ones. Try it on, it's good.

I'm living for love- This place is good for me.

This Face is the little face.

And this small gentleman is just that.

Fall at my door.