Friday, January 8, 2010

Pussy whipped and book bound

Um, awesome.
According to an NYU statement:

"Bikini Kill lead singer and noted feminist Kathleen Hanna has just made a sizable donation to the NYU library. The library is referring to the donation as The Kathleen Hanna Papers and will make them a part of their newly announced Riot Grrrrl Collection. The “papers” are believed to contain her many zines, much of her correspondences and plenty of material pertaining to her time in Bikini Kill, as well as various other writings. This is cool for a number of obvious reasons."

Oh, Bobst, library. I still have my student i.d card with all my semester stickers. If only I could take a nap in you now, I'd have something nice to read upon my awakening.

i just saw this on some gossip website. yes, i read celebrity gossip websites, i never claimed to be a saint, well, i read dlisted cos Michale k, is, I don't care what people say, totally hilarious and clearly very smart. anyway, it was posted as a joke, like , 'oh, look how f-d up and insincere lindsey lohan is', and you know what? i'm sorry michael k, i can't get on board for this one. clearly little girlfriend has problems, and anyone with access to eyeballs and even a smidgen of pop culture awareness knows that her rents are a wee bit fucked up. i admire her for trying, i admire her for making the effort to help others, i applaud her for taking baby steps in her world of chaos to focus on something she deems worthy of her efforts and time. i remember reading an article a couple years ago that said she went to barnes n noble in ny to get her copy of a million little pieces signed. and i thought that was cool, this was BO, before oprah, and the book was still being read and reviewed positively. i liked that did things like read, honestly, some of these celeb young ladies, i would put money on, don't. i like that she had an open relationship with a woman and that despite her own demons always tries to have a sense of humor, despite her insane tweets. which honestly look to me like someone in a lot of pain and confusion. heres to you lindsey lohan. i hope you make it all the way. i for one, think you're alright.