Sunday, January 24, 2010

Some Things You Never Get Used To

Pics from last weekends 5 Points. Taken by Paul.

Kasey was in town this weekend and it was really fun to hang. That girl is the freakin best! We went to the Black Lips, Nobunny show at the El Rey last night. Dood, Nobunny, thats all I have to say! Her and Dean came over for a 3 am hang. The cats were out of it and groggy, but, like the pageant mother that I am, I made them pose.

Kasey's nails were fierce.

The view from my office.

Good night. To say it's been a long day would be an understatement. Lets just say grocery shopping, baking, jumper cables, theory homework, deadlines, and driving to Valenicia on a Sunday were involved. Wooh. Its nice to be at sleeps doorstep.