I just blow dried a cigarette, it fell in water and was my last one, I thought of putting it in the microwave but then thought against it at the last minute due to spontaneous combustion and other scientific factors I'm not smart enough to riddle out on my own. Anyhoo, so, secret admirers, if you're wondering what to get me for my big old lady clock ticking birthday next month, consider these two fine magazines! What Sinead thinks about Axl and feminism AND Izzy's last day's in GnR plus Sinead! Holy Moses, hook a girl up. I'm sure e-bay will do you good.
Rare Tom Tom Club video! Viva Tina Weymoth! It's so Downtown I love it!
Anyhoo, Hedi curated a show in Chinatown last night and it was amazing. We all went to Master Chef for dinner. It was tres fun. Then this morning Sarah came over and we had brunch in my yard and then went to the book fair. We saw Rachel Kushner and Steve Erickson do a panel about writing in Los Angeles and what it means to be a writer in LA. Anyway, we both vowed to get more serious about our books. I have a timeline now. Anyway, I saw Sam! I love my friends <3
Spent the night with Sascha and Stacy at the Hecuba record release party. Holy SHIT! It went off. Lucky Dragons ruled and Rainbow Arabia was awesome but seriously, Hecuba BRINGS IT! Cried salty tears onto Zigs shoulder then looked up and got the fuck out that place! JK, Luv u Xris. I also just put on Fever To Tell for the first time in like four years and it's really fucking good! damn, Karen O!
Sascha and Stacy were very shy last night and didn't want their photos taken.
I don't smoke the weed anymore but I did almost every day on and off for ten years. I don't condone drug use, it's bad, stay in school and don't put anything up your nose, but weed is the portal to another dimension, one which ain't that bad. If it works for you put it in your peace pipe and smoke up. Happy 4/20 you lucky fucking bastards.
Sarah, Sascha and Catherine and I spent the day at the beach. It was perfect. Then CDLC cooked me the most amazing vegan chilli dog tater tot dinner I've ever had. My friends rule and I love them all.
I love California, I love LA. The weather was amazing and so Marianne and I went looking for fields of flowers, we didn't find any, but we did find Trails, the most delicious vegan organic cafe in the middle of Griffith Park, we had lemonades and ice teas. Sorry my blogs r so boring lately, I've been a nature low key homebody girl. Me, my books, the la river in the afternoon in a pair of good tennies.
So many things: First, these video's make my brain do a jfk all over the place- Thanks Stacy!:
My thesis proposal was due on Monday, don't worry I forget that I'm in grad school too. I think it turned out quite successful. I'm writing a novel. A fictions! Oooooh aaaah, so unlike me. Or is it? I found a box of opened grocery store double chocolate cookies on my doorstep when I got back from WaVVes at the Echo last night- who I am now in love with. Dear Nathan of WaVVes, I am your forever groupie. I'd tell you what I thought of the show but it would be breach of contract, oh snap! If you really wanna know check the LA Weekly blog on the blog roll to the left, in like, a day. It's the one that say's where I writin's where I work, or some dumb thing I thought was clever and fake modest. Oh, so these cookies, I didn't want to eat them because I didn't/don't know who left them there, but they look/looked super good. I called everyone and no one left them. Did you leave cookies on my doorstep? Anyway, I was afraid they might have poison in them or something but then I remembered that when I was twenty I did an eightball with my then best friend that we found on the ground in Highland Park, and that if I risked brain hemorrhaging without a second thought, literally we picked it up opened the plastic bag- much like one your mom might put cookies in your lunch bag actually... and snuffed it right up- I could eat these delicious cookies. And so, I did, I'm staying close to my cell phone and toilet for the rest of the evening, just in case. Also, my first big music feature,cover story in the Weekly! Yay! On the street now. Go grab one!
I've run out of money and everything that's ever been due in my life is due this week. But it's okay because Sarah had a most excellent karaoki party and the world seems alright.