Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Shaque D'Amour

Swaddled in love, thats how I feel. Love and awesomeness. Erika played at the Echo and it was a fiery ball of red hot. It's awesome to watch your friends get to do the thing they love because they really shine. It's so rad to see people dig her. I mean, if you haven't bought Past Life Martyred Saints, hop to it. It's fucking blistering greatness. And if you have a chance to see her live, don't hesitate. Talent, it's a gift.
My mom was in town for my birthday and that was so lovely. We went to the arboretum and saw peacock babies and then home depot and bought flowers which she helped me plant. Then I had a wonderful potluck full of friends and dogs and good food. I couldn't have asked for a better afternoon. And then Nick on my actual birthday took me to Disneyland and my heart almost exploded from happiness. That is until we closed the evening with potato tacos at Al Atacor. The next day Heather, Jacqui and I all went to see Cathy DJ at the Smell for a riot grrl/zine/Crass fest.
I could sleep for a hundred years.